Know a scourge of the earth someone
whose uncivilized violating troglodyte attitude and behaviors are strong - a verbal abuser who goes
directly for the jugular or the head when you say no? Someone not prevented from relentlessly seeking out every timeline they can find to
violate you even though
you have warned that will happen? Someone who thinks you deserve a
lifetime of suffering for saying no to them, for saying no to them
harming others, for not wanting them to pollute the gene pool with their
uncivilized attitudes and behavior, even though they never
asked and instead assumed? Reparation can not make up for the damage
that is intended by their relentless evil retributive vengefulness. And death is sometimes preferable for the person who will not accept or condone the
narcissistic abuse whether it actually originates with the violator or a
psychopathic narcissist for whom the violator cooperates as one of the
narcissist's minions of flying
monkeys - whether the cooperation is out of ignorance or due to extortion and for profit.

Destructive and addictive drugs are one of the most effective ways used to "leverage" the behavior of folks who have already gone bad (pharmaceuticals included). Addicting people to sex is also one of the most effective ways particularly if they are not cooperative about becoming addicted to drugs. Of course there are also other addictions. Obsessions are also a type of addiction, even though they often create good outcomes. Managed properly they need not rise to the level of "addiction" unless they are controlled by someone else like damaging addictions are.

Any grown empaths protecting the young empaths will also know and be deemed crazy if/when they try to warn about the abuse of a young child. Grown empaths and young empaths, alike, can suffer their entire lives for not having been able to do anything to prevent a child from suffering - knowing at the time that something is terribly wrong but not knowing enough about the evil which is occurring to able to find a way to prevent it; sometimes because of being unable to imagine evil that does occur. That too is a sure bet - the results of which anyone can take to the bank.