This is an addendum to the article which can be found in the archive, at left, of 26 February 2016, entitled "Major American Jewish Leader Changes His Mind about Israel".
Although Rabbi David M. Gordis is a highly respected
person within any American community, that hasn't stopped the ideological
political zionists from, in their own words, dumping "disingenuous
gobbledygook" on him because of his article. I can't say how much BS was dumped on him because of it, but I will comment, here, on one article as an example, and provide a link to it.
There is a 15 July 2016 article online entitled "Israel and American Liberal Jewry: The Real Reasons for the Rift" by Martin Sherman. The ludicrous comments would almost be funny if they weren't intended to be so denigrating..
Approximately a third of the way into the article after bemoaning who he tells us are the miguided Jewish youth of America, he gets to work on "perverse" Godis with this bit of whimsy:
"[. . .] the moronic — and often self-contradictory — lament by David Gordis [. . .] as to Israel’s alleged moral degradation [. . .]"
Then under the heading of "Totally detached from fact & reason" we find another zionist lump of coal: [Any use by me of the singualr term "zionism" on my part refers to the
stategic movement that is ideological political zionism.]
"[. . .] Gordis then goes on to elaborate on his abstruse indictment of Israel today [. . .]"
Next, an even more illustrative zionist lump of coal:
"[. . .] Then in a wild diatribe, totally divorced from any semblance of reality, he blares: [. . .]"
"[. . .] This is merely a small sampling of how intellectually dishonest the derogatory drivel of Israel’s “liberal” detractors has become. [. . .]"
And another
"[. . .] This narcissistic hypocrisy was aptly exposed in a perceptive piece in a Washington Post blog by David Bernstein, professor of Law at George Mason University. [. . .]"
Sherman then he goes on to quote Bernstein who falsely suggests Israeli Arabs are living the good life. That may be true compared to their brothers and sisters in occupied Palestinian Territoty (oPT), but it is not true compared to Jewish Israelis.
Then we get to the heading "Beneath the disingenuous gobbledygook" where he finally comments about Israel occupying Palestinian Territories, where he wants to firmly trounce "disenchanted 'liberal' Jews" who denigrate Israel because of "Israel's interaction with the Palestinian-Arabs across the pre-1967 Green line (a.k.a. the 'Occupation')"
"Interaction"? And he isn't joking. Please. Not wanting to call the occupation what it is, an occupation, does not make Israel's "interaction" with Palestinians in oPT (like instances of genocide in Gaza) any less criminal. But of course his purpose is to criticize Gordis' for speaking the mild truth he did speak, which did not include comments about the Gaza genocides.
Then Sherman moves on another flight of fancy with:
"[. . .] wildly irrational in terms of its internal logic [. . .]"
Another doozy from Sherman "[. . .] unswerving doctrinaire zeal “liberals” cling to the perilous prescription of touting tyranny [. . .]" as his article segways into seemingly putting Godis in the position of
carrying the banner for the parade of "American Jewish liberals" he
repeated trots out to criticize, without identifying any by
name, of course - other than to suggest they are American Jewish youth.
And of course he would be remiss if he didn't trots out this one:
"[. . .] But if US
'liberal' Jews frown upon the coercive measures that Israel is compelled
to use against the Palestinian-Arabs, were they to apply the same
criteria to their own country, they would have good reason to feel even
more disenchanted. [. . .]" which is the launching into of a verbal attack on
U.S. - for doing Israel's evil in the region (without saying as much, of course), as if he doesn't know that a the reality of the zionist problem the American Jews he finds faults with, actually recognize.
Then under the heading of "Expose and inform", as he nears the end, he shows us that he wants to keep his credibility as an ideological political zionist, by trotting out the obligatory poor Israel card which he does with this passage:
. .] Sadly, Israel has done inexcusably little to harness the facts to
rebuff the attacks on its democratic credentials and has allowed
imperative coercive actions to ensure the security of its civilians
against an implacable foe, to be portrayed as racist brutality. [. . .]"
Who can not refrain from a brief chuckle at the foolish, predictable irony of his infuriating words that lose touch with reality? Of
course, there is not only "little" done by Israel, but absolutely nothing Israel
can credibly say or do to make its actions any less "brutally racist"
against it's unarmed "implacable foe" which repeatedly results in Israel's "imperative coercive actions" primarily in the form of attacks
on the most vulnerable - the women and children, and very young children, who Israel allows settlers and soldiers to harass, hurt, maim, and kill, jail
and torture, all in the name of its lawless alleged "democracy", and "security".
Then in conclusion Sherman, too, criticizes Israel - by saying Israel does not fulfill its "obligation to aid pro-Israel advocacy on university campuses". Well let's hope that trend continues. It is likely too because some University campuses have become more astute about identifying blatant bigotry than they once were, after their students
made an issue of the actuality of Israel's shenanigans being bigoted,
lawless, murder (including by American citizens who are also Israelis living in illegal settlements in oPT - a can of worms most avoid with a 10 foot pole, but shouldn't). Thus University campuses are no longer as
tolerant of the prevaricated, twisted-truth hasbara pro-Israel advocates want to spout on their campuses in efforts to justify Israel's criminality.
So, needless to say, there have been unpleastant reverberations from the ideological political zionists in the form of vicious
efforts to give Gordis grief because he had the courage to mildly, I repeat "mildly", point
out the problem of the Israeli government's ideology of political
zionism even though he didn't label it as such. I hope do those who have cheered on David Gordis' change of mind and heart about Israel's criminal duplicitous ways have chosen to be there for him as his support system to fend off the zionist BS.